New: Year 5: Fraction step-by-step tutorials

Adding fractions with different denominators
In Year 5 children are introduced to adding fractions with different denominators. Our latest step-by-step tutorial takes a look at this tricky topic.
Adding fractions with different denominators requires a good knowledge of equivalent fractions and I would recommend viewing our equivalent fraction tutorials before going on to adding or subtracting fractions.
When adding fractions there are a couple of things that children may slip up on and are worth watching out for, including:
- Children adding both the numerator and denominator
- Adding to the numerator and denominator to make an equivalent fraction rather than multiplying
Our latest tutorial guides children through the process of adding two fractions, such as adding one-third and one-sixth, where it is relatively easy to find equivalent fractions, as one denominator is a multiple of the other.
Don’t forget we also have a great selection of fraction worksheets for children to practice.
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