Multiplication in Year 1

Children will begin with counting in twos, often using things that come in pairs, such as socks, shoes etc. Later they will start counting in 5s and 10s. Some of the language of multiplication will be introduced, including ‘groups of’, but not the multiplication sign. A combination of high-quality worksheets and unlimited on-screen practice makes for a powerful learning experience, which is just what we have for our Year 1 children.
Our on-screen activities for Year 1 are proving very popular and we would like to highlight two multiplication categories with four activities in each. The first looks at combining groups of 2, 5 and 10. The second tackles doubling and uses images, bar models and number lines to help understand doubling.
Of course, our printable pages are also available, concentrating on counting in twos, fives and tens, adding equal groups and doubling.