Year 6 New Resources: Order of Operations

It’s coming up to that time when revising for SATs begin. The Year 6 SAT papers frequently have questions involving the order of operations. Last year’s Arithmetic Paper included the question:
30 − 56 ÷ 8 =
Children need to be aware that they have to carry out the division part:
56 ÷ 8 = 7
before the subtraction.
The National Curriculum Reference for this question is 6C9: ‘Use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the four operations.’
We have just published two different sets of pages which are perfect for practising just this type of question. They can be found in our KS2 Booster pages and in our Year 6 Four Operations category.
Don’t forget we have a huge selection of pages to help with all types of questions found on the test papers as well as free past papers.