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Jun 17, 2024
Year 5: Negative Numbers
Whilst children will be introduced to negative numbers in Year 4, it is in Year 5 that most of the work on this topic is done. It is recommended that using real-life situations to explore negative numbers is the best approach and thermometers are certainly one of the best resources....
Jun 15, 2024
Year 4: Shape – comparing angles
A crucial part of Year 4 shape work is to recognise that an angle is a measurement of turn and using this to compare and order angles. Children should already recognise and know the terms acute, right angle and obtuse angle. They also need to be able to explain that...
Jun 12, 2024
Year 3: Shape – drawing polygons using dotted paper
Geoboards and elastic bands are great resources for helping children understand 2D shapes, but if you haven’t got easy access to a geoboard then dotted paper is the next best thing. You will find all sorts of graph, isometric and dotted paper in our free resources at: https://urbrainy.com/maths/resources/graph-paper The geoboard...
Jun 10, 2024
Year 1: Unitising
How can you quickly work out the number of eggs contained in a stack of egg boxes, or how could you work out the value of a pile of 20p coins?One way to do it is to count the boxes, or the coins and then do a multiplication.The mathematical term...
Year 2: Shape
In Year 2 children will build on the language of position that they began in Year 1. Remembering which way is left and which is right, is a key part of this. Other terms are also used, such as above, below and between. Understanding these terms is a crucial step...
May 24, 2024
Shape in Year 6
Shape is often one of the last topics schools teach before the SATs, but there is still plenty of work to get through. The Programme of Study states that: Pupils should be taught to: draw 2D shapes using given dimensions and angles recognise, describe and build simple 3D shapes, including...
Showing 97 to 102 of 1717 results
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