A selection of our very best maths resources entirely free, updated each month.
Available for everyone, even expired accounts.
Jan 6, 2010
How do you say 2010?
How are you saying the new year 2010? There seems to be some debate about this. Some are saying ‘two thousand and ten’ whilst others are saying ‘twenty ten’. ‘Twenty ten’ is similar to the last century when we said dates such as 1990 as ‘nineteen ninety’ but few people...
What's New: Counting money 1p, 2p and 5p coins
This is the second in our series of counting money worksheets. There are four pages which look at counting 1p, 2p and 5p coins. Some of the questions are fairly open ended (eg colour coins that make 10p) as well as drawing more coins to make totals. When counting a...
Jan 4, 2010
Time worksheets: Read the time to the quarter hour
We've had several requests recently for some worksheets on time so, here they are! To start with we have published four sets on reading the time to the quarter hour. This can be quite tricky when converting times such as 3:45 to a quarter to four. You may also notice...
Resource of the Week: Comparing size
This is taken from our range of colourful resources for our members which looks at all aspects of shape and measurement for young children. At this age, measurement is about comparisons between things and standard units of measurement such as centimetres are not introduced until much later. So we begin...
Jan 2, 2010
Change from £1 maths worksheets
We start the New Year with a set of four maths worksheets on finding change from £1. Most of the questions use only multiples of 10p which should be quite easy. However, the last two questions on each page use multiples of 5p; eg find the change from £1 if...
Dec 30, 2009
Year 1 addition: Brainwhizz challenge
There are two sets of ten questions on each of the four pages of these resources, which can be used as a quick assessment as to how well addition has been learnt. The questions cover addition of two single digit numbers. There are several stages to go through when learning...
Showing 1591 to 1596 of 1724 results
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