A selection of our very best maths resources entirely free, updated each month.
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Nov 19, 2009
What's New: Multiplication and shopping
Karen, from North London has asked us if we have any further ideas to help with multiplication. Setting up a little shop and buying and selling things has always been a great part of early maths, but usually this activity is limited to adding up and giving change. It can...
Nov 18, 2009
Superbrains! Subtracting whole tens
Here we have a set of worksheets which looks at subtraction of whole tens. Once children have become confident with counting forwards and backwards in ones and twos the next step is to be able to count in tens. Be careful, however, as some children can rote learn this with...
What's new: Estimating on a number line
This week we are publishing a quite tricky set of maths worksheets in the Superbrain section, all about estimating on a number line. The number line is from 0 to 10, but there are no numbers shown between these, and children have to estimate where numbers would lie. It is...
Nov 16, 2009
What's New: Complete addition number sentences
We have had several requests for more pages on addition for children who have gained confidence with adding single digits and want to move on, so for the next week or so we are going to include as much as we can on this area. This set of four worksheets...
Resource of the Week: Maths Worksheets on Counting
Your child can enjoy counting and colouring the mice, as well as the other sets on this section which includes gorillas, teddies and much more, with over 20 pages to choose from in total. This is just one of a fantastic range of fun maths activities which will quickly help...
Nov 13, 2009
Multiplication Game Now Live!
Our latest multiplication game is now live for you to play. Concentrating on the two, five and ten times tables there are 10 separate activities to master with the farm animals. Brilliant practice for all children who are learning their tables. A simple log in means that up to four...
Showing 1633 to 1638 of 1723 results
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