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Measuring in Year 5 (age 9-10)

Bright and lively pages encouraging the use of the metric system.

The metric system takes centre stage in the Year 5 Measurement Programme of Study, emphasising the importance of converting between different units of metric measures.

By the end of Year 5 children should know the following relationships between metric units:

1 kilometre  = 1 000 metres
1 metre         = 100 centimetres or 1 000 millimetres
1 centimetre = 10 millimetres
1 kilogram   = 1 000 grams
1 litre      = 1 000 millilitres

Whilst most measurement that children come across will be metric, in the real world the old imperial system is still used, especially with regard to road measurement and vehicle speeds. This means that children will also be expected to understand and work with both systems, including equivalence between metric and imperial, something which many will find a step in the wrong direction.

Children should know common imperial unit conversions to metric, including:

The mile is about 1 600m, a little more than 1.5km

The pint is about 570 ml, a little more than half a litre

The gallon is a little less than five litres.

Calculating and comparing the areas of squares and rectangles is also highlighted using standard units such as square centimetres and square metres.

Measuring length

Measuring length, including kilometres.

Standard metric units and conversions

Using standard metric units of measurement and converting measurements.

Perimeter and area

Measuring perimeter and area and beginning to calculate area.

Measuring capacity

Finding the capacity of various boxes.


Problems using time and the 24 hour clock.

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