A selection of our very best maths resources entirely free, updated each month.
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Jun 29, 2010
What are Dyscalculia and Dyslexia?
Dyscalculia and Dyslexia! Two tricky words to spell, but they could be part of the reason why your child has turned off maths, even at an early age. Sometimes the problems our children have with maths seem almost inexplicable and it can be very frustrating as an adult trying to...
Jun 24, 2010
Year 1 weekly maths resources: week 34
We are rapidly coming to the end of the summer term and our year resources for Year 1, with this being week 34 out of 36. All organised around the Primary Framework Planning, this series of pages includes some great stuff on: Comparing and ordering weights Adding coins Counting on...
Jun 23, 2010
What's New: Measuring capacity
Here is another simple idea to help children understand measuring capacity. At this early stage non standard units of measurement are used eg a cup or a glass full rather than the standard litres and ml. You need a small saucepan and a selection of different cups, mugs, glasses etc....
Jun 17, 2010
Year 1 weekly maths resources:Week 33
A set of excellent pages covering Block D, Unit 3 of the Primary Framework. It covers questions on time, left and right turns and some interesting matchstick patterns. Also in this week's pack are some further pages on adding 3 numbers to make 10, subtracting from 20 and adding multiples...
Jun 16, 2010
What's new: Beginning to learn the 2x table
The two times table is usually the first table that is learned by children and we start off here with the table just up to 5 times 2. Learning the two times table should follow on from a lot of work on doubling small numbers: see the urbrainy doubling pages...
Jun 11, 2010
Practical resources: measuring weight
Boxes which have been wrapped up, even in old brown paper or old birthday/Christmas paper are an excellent resource for maths as they are interesting as well as useful. Balance scales are also very useful for comparing weights. Wrap up some parcels so that they are different sizes and different...
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