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May 28, 2010
What's New: Patterns in numbers
One of the reasons that we are able to count a number of objects quickly is that we recognise the pattern. Dice patterns are an obvious example of this - we recognise the pattern of four dots in a square with the fifth in the middle as 5 without actually...
May 26, 2010
Practical ideas: Hide the toys
Here is a fun activity for children who are learning to count and are just realising that numbers of objects remain the same even if they are hidden or moved. You need: a cloth and five small toys. Show the toys, count them together and agree on the total. Cover...
May 21, 2010
Calculator game: 10x table
Because the ten times table is a relatively easy table to learn this game becomes more a game of strategy. Can the player going second win the game? The idea is to get four in a row by working out which numbers need to be multiplied by 10 to get...
May 20, 2010
Year 1 weekly resources: Handling data
We have just published the next week's resources to fit in with the Primary Framework plans for Year 1 Summer term. For teachers, that's Block C Unit 3 Week 1. Handling data is the theme for the week and we have a great selection of pages, including Venn diagrams, Carroll...
May 19, 2010
Year 1 Addition: 4 in a row game
This is a great game for year 1 addition, involving two players. You need two coloured pens to show who has answered the questions and a calculator in the case of any disputes! Player 1 (with the red pen) goes first and chooses a square and writes down the correct...
May 14, 2010
Practical ideas: Making patterns
Making patterns can occur in a whole range of activities and can get as tricky as you like. Here are a few ideas for starting off with objects that you can find around the house. Collect buttons as they make a great resource for pattern making as well as counting....
Showing 1513 to 1518 of 1717 results
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